Benefits of a Doula for a Cesarean Section

It is Cesarean Section awareness month. As a mom who has had C/Sections, I think it’s something we should talk about. I had two different doulas support me during a C/S. One of those doulas was quite amazing at talking me through all that was going to happen, supporting me in making the final decision, and helping me process the cesarean after the baby was born. Here I am going to highlight some of the benefits of having a doula for a cesarean section.

One of my c/s babies, greeting the world

A Doula Can Provide Physical Support

A doula can teach you breathing and relaxation techniques to help during procedures.

A doula can help support and keep your partner calm during, what can be, a stressful time.

Your doula can empower you with decisions in the operating room. She can help you understand what is happening and help you make educated decisions.

A doula can stay with mom while dad/partner stays with baby during recovery, if that is needed.

A doula will provide breastfeeding support during recovery.

Your doula is available to take pictures, if you desire.

A doula can act as liaison between staff to keep mom updated on baby, if that is needed.

A Doula Can Provide Emotional Support

Another benefit of a doula is she can help calm fears before, during, and after the cesarean section.

A doula can help process feelings about the birth.

A doula should be knowledgeable about area resources and can recommend support groups.

Your doula is a non-judgmental listening ear.

My husband was a source of calm and support, but I loved having the education and information from my doula.

A Doula Can Provide Informational Support

Your doula can help you know what to expect during your cesarean section.

A doula can inform you of newborn procedures and give you information/education on those procedures, if you want.

A doula can help you prepare for your scheduled c/section.

Another benefit is your doula can suggest ways to recover quickly from your cesarean section.

Your doula provides local and online resources for your c/s and your recovery.

In the event of an emergency, your doula can talk your support person/partner through what will take place.

Another of my c/s babies. I loved having the clear curtain to see my little one join the world.

To sum up, there are many benefits to having a doula for your cesarean section, whether it is scheduled or emergency. A listening ear, resources, education, a sense of calm, and a person to process with were key for me when I had my cesarean sections. I hope you can find a doula that is a good fit for you and your c/section.

Tell me in the comments, did you have a doula for your c/s? What did you find to be beneficial in having one?

Jenn Mandura is a Birth and Postpartum Doula in Central and Northeast Indiana.  She strives to educate and empower her clients to have the birth and postpartum experience that they desire.   Jenn enjoys yoga, donuts, and hiking with her husband and four kiddos. You can find out more about the services Jenn offers here.  She would love to connect with you on facebook here. Or feel free to contact her.